
Monday, June 25, 2007

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily...The body craves for more sleep, for one in the waking hours has abused it with the attack of his mind..

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily.
The body craves for more sleep, for one,
in the waking hours, has abused it with
the attack of his mind.

The body, My child, is the
instrument of the spirit - Yes!
The soul is its only master!

If one will control its movements
by the chaos of one's own mind,
that body is going to age rapidly
and will break under the spell
and curse of man's wishes!

The health of the body is
dependent upon the focal
strength of the mind.

If the mind is able to
focus and concentrate
upon the goals that emanate
from the purity of the inner self,
then, such a one, will receive the
optimal use of his body and will
protect it from the dark shadows of disease and aging.

from a divine source

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