
Friday, June 8, 2007

The tao of eating...

We should always sit down while we are eating.

We should not stand or walk when we eat.

Eat in a happy, calm and quiet atmosphere.

Never eat when angry, depressed, bored or upset.

Do not watch television or listen to radio while eating

Do not talk while eating. Simply concentrate on each morsel and enjoy it.

Eat in moderation, only as much as your body needs.
One must regulate the intake of solid food so as to fill 50% of the stomach.
25% of stomach can be filled with liquids and the remaining 25% is to be kept empty
for the free movement of air within the stomach.

One who eats one complete meal a day is a healthy person
One who eats two complete meals a day is a connoisseur
One who eats three complete meals a day is a sick person
One who eats four complete meals a day is a greedy person

Not even a morsel of the food we eat
is made purely by our own effort.

What comes to us in the form of food
is the result of the toil of many people,
nature's bounty, and God's compassion.

So we should never eat anything
without first praying with humility and gratitude.

While eating, if we imagine that our beloved God
is present within us, and that we are feeding Him.
This will make eating or feeding an act of worship.

As often as possible, the family should eat together.

Do not waste food

from a divine source

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