
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Peace and happiness are essentials!

The baby weeps as soon as it is born
because the individual being has no desire
to get entangled in the objective world once again.

Science describes it as the process
of breathing for the first time and
the clearing of the air passages.
But why should it weep?

The process can be started
by some other way, say,
shaking or shivering, is it not?

This life which begins
with a wail must end with a smile.

When you were a little baby,
all round you smiled though
you kept on wailing.

But when you die
all round you weep at the loss;
you should smile in peace and quiet resignation.

The pleasures from sensual enjoyment
must finally be converted into happiness from divine union;
the pleasures of the senses must gradually be left behind
and you must develop a taste for the higher
and more lasting pleasure derivable from
the springs of your own personality.

For divine union, devotion
to God is the main thing,
the head and the crown.
Peace and happiness are the other essentials.

from a divine source

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