
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You are who you are as reflected in clear waters....

When we look at a mirror, we are reflected back very truely. But will you ascribe reality to the reflection? The reflection depends upon you whereas you are not depending upon your reflection. While moving in the road during sunny time, your reflections may fall in dust and durt. The reflection may fall anywhere. But are you in any manner affected by this? Even a boy will say that the relection is false and you alone is real.
Remove the mirror Maya, and Self alone exists. In a tatched hut, the sun is reflected as many images all circular or elliptical as per the directions of the rays of sun. Will you assert that there are equal numbers of sun in the sky? The sun is One only for the entire world. Likewise supreme Self is One. His reflections through the mind principle enables us to cognise the world. Think about these eteranal truths always and realise that all what we infer through the senses are nothing but pure illusions.
from a divine source

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