
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stress is an unnecessary reworking of the mind..... Stress is thinking much more than one can willingly do.. Stress is reasoning that is shocked in..

When emotion and intellect work both together it results in a mental condition often called “stress”.

Stress is an unnecessary reworking of the mind.

Stress is thinking much more than one can willingly do.

Stress is reasoning that is shocked in emotion.

Stress is the refusal of giving up an attachment…yet willingly giving up your Self.

Stress is the childish denial of facing the present.

Stress is the conflict between reasoning and desire…and where desire wins!

Stress is being constantly anxious of time and timely events.

Before your nature becomes to stress
catch your thought that you are giving
too much unnecessary importance to.

Catch it before it catches you
and takes you on a horrible journey
in which you may have to fight your own reasoning…
ignore your own conscience…
give up your self-reliance and
then in return gain temporarily
only to lose your own sanity permanently.

Do not stress.

Nothing is worth so much thought
that you lose the awareness of
your own well being!

When you follow the rules of the Higher Self'
automatically one inspirational thought will lead you to the task.

If a task is demanding you to think
intensely,immediate ly realize that
the 'I' has found its way before the Divine principle.

from a divine source

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