
Thursday, October 25, 2007

True love is heart to heart, it is changeless..

There are many youths everywhere.
They should not take it amiss.
In the name of modernism,
many youths are taking to perverted ways of living these days.

This permissiveness is not limited
to a particular country or society.
It has become a global phenomenon,
irrespective of caste, community, religion or country.

Right from the primary school children
to boys studying in graduate and post-graduate courses
are afflicted with this mental aberration.

Love is God.
Whatever activity
you undertake with Love,
it becomes success.

Unfortunately, today,
the term 'Love' is highly misused
and misplaced and often misunderstood
as relating to the body.

No; this is not true love.
It is fleeting and ceases
with the bodily relationship.

True love is heart to heart.
It is changeless.

from a divine source

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