
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

God's call is essential....

As far as God is concerned,
along with our will,
God's call is essential.
He invites you, waits for you,
makes all arrangements for you,
takes care of you, showers
hospitality on you and loves you.
He loves his devotees.
He treats them as his kith and kin.

God often said that - let My man
(Devotee) be at any distance,
a thousand miles away from Me,
he will be drawn to God, like a sparrow,
with a thread tied to its feet.

The sparrow is ignorant.
It leads its life instinctively.
It goes in search of food
to any place in any direction.
Prompted by its vision
of the eye, it goes to get its food.
It does not know that its legs
are going to be tied by somebody.
Unaware of the thread tied
to its legs it goes as it lives in search of food.
But it is pulled by the puller and it goes to him.

Similarly, when God
draws us near, we can't resist him.
Our free will loses its freedom.
Since the sparrow is tied
by a soft silken thread,
it does not feel wounded.
There is no friction.

Gently and slowly, gradually and steadily,
the puller pulls the sparrow towards him if it
yields willingly to the pull, the journey will be easy and comfortable.

The sparrow tries to look sideways
and stay in places of pleasure and mirth.
Now and then, it tries to free itself from the thread and the pull.
All its efforts are in vain. The puller wants the bird.
Therefore he draws it towards him.
The bird can't resist anymore.
It is ultimately taken to the hands
of the puller and it is given food and shelter,
pleasure and peace, in the owner's garden.

God is our gardener. He draws us to his garden
and he provides everything for our comfort and peace.

If we do not understand
why God is calling us,
we may feel uncomfortable
initially like the bird.
If he is drawing us away from
the world and the worldly attractions,
it is certainly for our good.

We think world and its attachments
are the source of pleasure, but really
they are the source of pain.
It is better we respond to the call
of God and proceed towards Divinity.
Let us not be caught in ignorance.
Let us not lose ourselves in Maya.
Let us respond to the loving call of God.

from a divine source

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