
Friday, December 21, 2007

The emotion "HAPPINESS' we can be happy even in the clutches of adversities...

Daily routine revealing...
Decaying thoughs evoking...
Hurting words speaking...
Hurt giving birth to more attacking...

Disputes that happens...
Disagreements that continues...
Unhappiness brewing...
Attachments that is hurting....

What is happiness?
Where is happiness?
Why seek for happiness?
Who will give you happiness?

The world is a place...
The world is a space....
To which we accept...
A right and proper concept...

What is this concept?

Duality is the answer...
The mind plays that trick...
Duality should be treated
with equanimity...

Why remind ourselves of negatives?
Where there are so many positives?
Why put our mind in sad memories?
Why put our mind to repeat memories?

Don't remind oneself on unhappy thoughts...
Don't remind oneself on unhappy occasions...
Those are just remembering...
Just mere negative self-affirming....

Thus happiness is today...
Happiness is this minute...
Happiness is this second...
That we know that we are living...

Be grateful!

Be grateful that we know the answer...
Be careful of what we put into our mind...
Be thankful that happiness is sought within...
Be truthful to our faith from within...


Happiness is simple...
Happiness is peace at heart...
Happiness is to be carefree and relaxing...
Happiness is all positive reprogramming...

Happiness is thus a choice....
to choose pp from happiness...
knowing and accepting peace...
at heart and mind...

Happiness is thus a choice....
to choose the e from it...
understanding equanimity...
towards any emotions...

Happiness is thus a choice...
to choose the ss from it...
keeping it simple and sunny...
towards any incidents...


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