
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Be a bee drinking the nectar not the mosquito that sucks the blood...

Be a bee drinking the nectar
of every flower; not the mosquito
drinking blood and distributing disease in return.

If you want to attain Divinity,
cultivate love, give up hatred,
envy, anger, cynicism and falsehood.

Be yourself what you tell the other man to be.

from a divine source

Aspiring for excellence and leading a life noble and worthy will bring its share of material rewards...

Aspiring for excellence and leading
a life noble and worthy will bring its
share of material rewards.

Envy and jealousy may arise
from our peers, friends, relatives
and almost everyone who watches our progress.

When such feelings arise,
their perception gets blurred
and understanding colored,
hence, their interactions to us may not be right.

Hurt further distorts understanding
and fuels arguments, generating stress.

Science journals and books scream testimonies
that stress lowers immunity and promotes aging.

Hence, scientific evidences confirms
the declarations by God that envy
and other negative emotions do cause damage to the body.

from a divine source

When you are filled with envy, anger, hatred and conceit, your life span gets shortened...

'Your life span is prolonged
when you are full of joy, when
you are calm and filled with pure thoughts.

When you are filled with envy,
anger, hatred and conceit, your
life span gets shortened.

Sleeplessness ruins the health
even more than lack of food.

Envy torments a man all the time.
These troubles lead to shortening one's life...

Envy drives man crazy by
depriving him of his sleep.
In that condition, he cannot relish his food.'

from a divine source

Who are the thieves that steal into man and steal away his peace and joy?

'Who are the thieves that steal
into man and steal away his peace and joy?

It is the thieves of Desire, Pride, Greed,
Infatuation, Anger and Jealousy,
who rob man of his riches.

But the worst of all thieves
who inflicts the worst damage is envy.

That is why it is said,
'You can befriend an angry man, you can sleep beside a serpent, but you should not befriend an envious one.'

from a divine source

Envy visits us like a guest, transforms slowly to a host and finally enslaves us completely...

Envy visits us like a guest,
transforms slowly to a host and finally,
enslaves us completely.

What has been outlined
in the quote are the deadly effects of envy.

Strangely, if we carefully analyze envy
it is generated only in people who know
and are familiar with us.

One will not be envious of a movie star
but if your own friend became one,
then his success can become a source of envy for you.

Once we develop envy,
then it will be extremely difficult
to feel joy for others.

The boy next door who always
scores all A's for the subjects
becomes the envy of his neighbors.

The beautiful car parked at
the opposite house makes the
envious wife prompt the husband
to buy another bigger one.

Envy creates restlessness
and from such turbulent mind will issue low and base actions.

from a divine source

Envy is a deadly poison, it will contaminate character, ruin health and rob you of peace...

'Envy is a deadly poison;
it will contaminate character,
ruin health and rob you of peace.

Be unaffected by envy and
you can subdue the Gods of
Creation, Protection and Destruction.

Like a pest that destroys growing crops,
envy enters slowly and spreads quickly.

So even in small matters,
you must be vigilant, do not become envious.'

from a divine source

Monday, January 28, 2008

'Thoughts constitute the very basis of one's life. It is the mind that lends life, sustains it and ultimately brings it to an end.'

'Thoughts constitute the very basis of one's life. It is the mind that lends life, sustains it and ultimately brings it to an end.'

We must withdraw into ourselves and meditate our own nature, the truth of Nature...

The very persons who accuse others
are ready to commit those wrongs
when they get the chance.

They are not toughened enough
to resist the temptation.

No one stands firm for they
have not found the rock of the spirit;
they have no knowledge of their Divine reality.

The teaching of all the scriptures
and of all the sages and saints is to
recognize the spirit within and to
build life upon that bedrock.

What is required for the
discovery of that bedrock?

You must be able to withdraw
into yourself and meditate on your
own true nature, and the truth of Nature...

It is the right of every seeker from every land.

This is the wealth that will really save man
from misery; all the rest are mere shadows,
mirages, castles in the air, they drop
with the body that valued them.

from a divine source

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The language of our heart is expressed through love..

One should not attach so much
importance to the language you speak.

It is the meaning that is important,
the feelings you express, the behavior you adopt.

The language of the heart is expressed
through sympathy, kindness, service, love, brotherliness.
That is the language that really matters;
that language can be understood by every one.

Criticizing others, finding fault with them all comes out of EGOISM..

Criticizing others,
finding fault with them,
all this comes out of egoism.

Search for your own faults instead;
the faults you see in others are but
reflections of your own personality traits.

The others are part of yourself;
you need not worry about them;
worry about yourself, that is enough.

from a divine source

If you want to enjoy life, fill yourself with good thoughts.

If you want to enjoy life, fill yourself with good thoughts.

Man is the architect of his own life...

Who are our friends and who are our enemies?
Our own good thoughts are our friends.
Our evil thoughts accompany us like shadows.
When our thoughts are purified, our lives will be transformed into ideal ones.

The mind is a bundle of thoughts.
Actions ensue from thoughts.

From actions flow the fruits thereof.

Hence thoughts are the seeds which
ultimately yield fruits in the form of
good fortune and misfortune.

Man is thus the architect of his own life.
As thoughts determine actions, it is essential
to cultivate good thoughts.

from a divine source

People feel that adhering to truth is difficult, actually it is untruth that creates difficult problems...

People feel that adhering to truth is difficult.
Actually, it is untruth that creates difficult problems.

All kinds of plans have to be made to cover up a lie.
But to stick to the facts, as they are, is easy.

People should come to realise that it is easy to be good. It is going astray that causes difficulties.

One cannot always avoid committing a mistake,
but one should learn a lesson from it and avoid repeating it.

from a divine source

Monday, January 14, 2008

The flame of a lamp has 2 significant qualities...

" The flame of a lamp has two significant qualities.

One is to banish darkness; the other is a continuous upward movement.

Even if a lamp is kept in a pit, the flame is directed upwards.

The upward movement of the flame denotes the path to wisdom and the path to divinity.

However, the external light can dispel only

the external darkness, but not the darkness of ignorance in man...

God is present within and around.

So one has to be pure both internally and externally.

It is the water that helps to keep your body clean.

But it is love that keeps your heart clean.

from a divine source

The world is a great teacher... learn from it..

The world is a great teacher,
a constant guide and source of inspiration.
That is the reason why man is placed in the world.

Every bird, every animal, every tree, mountain and star and each tiny worm has a lesson for man, if he has but the thirst to learn.
These make a world a veritable University for man; it is but a school for spiritual learningwhere he is a pupil from birth to death.

Difference of opinions must be like the 2 eyes, each giving a different picture of the same object, both of which when coordinated give a complete pc

Difference of opinion must be like the two eyes, each giving a different picture of the same object; both of which, when coordinated give a complete rounded picture.

It is no use indulging in arguments and disputations; he who clamors aloud has not grasped the Truth, believe me.

Silence is the only language of the realized.

from a divine source

Saturday, January 5, 2008

There is nothing that cannot be achieved through this world

However, there is nothing that
cannot be achieved in the world through Love.

Some things may be achieved by other means, but through Love even the Divine can be held in the palm of one's hand.

Moods, pains, pleasures all come and go...

Moods, pains, pleasures all come and go.
They are something like relatives that come to visit us, but they do not stay permanently.

In the same way, this delusion comes
and goes as a delusion for human beings.

The delusion in our mind which
covers the rope and hides from view is avarana, the veiling power.

The illusion which has been projected
by our mind on to the rope is vikshepa, the projecting power.
With the help of the light we see the rope as a rope, and the snake vanishes.

from a divine source

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Message for all....Love knows no distinction of any kind... Love love love

On this New Year Day,
you should resolve that you
will start every day with Love,
spend the day with Love,
fill the day with Love and
end the day with Love.

There should be no difference of caste,
creed, color, religion or nationality.

Love knows no distinction of any kind.
You must wish every one to be happy.

Fill the heart with Love.
Cultivate good thoughts,
speak good words and do good deeds
with the broad view that everyone in the world should be happy.

from a divine source

New Year's message....for all

Man expects the New Year
to confer on him and the world
at large peace, happiness and prosperity.

But the welfare of the world
depends on man's conduct and behaviour.
Man's conduct depends on his mind.

The nature of the mind depends on thoughts.
Only when man's thoughts are based on truth
will the world flourish.

One who aspires for the welfare
of the world should see to it that his thoughts
and actions are in accordance with his aspirations.

The New Year brings with it
neither happiness nor misery.
Man attains happiness or misery
based on the actions he performs.
So, he should perform righteous deeds.

from a divine source