
Monday, January 28, 2008

We must withdraw into ourselves and meditate our own nature, the truth of Nature...

The very persons who accuse others
are ready to commit those wrongs
when they get the chance.

They are not toughened enough
to resist the temptation.

No one stands firm for they
have not found the rock of the spirit;
they have no knowledge of their Divine reality.

The teaching of all the scriptures
and of all the sages and saints is to
recognize the spirit within and to
build life upon that bedrock.

What is required for the
discovery of that bedrock?

You must be able to withdraw
into yourself and meditate on your
own true nature, and the truth of Nature...

It is the right of every seeker from every land.

This is the wealth that will really save man
from misery; all the rest are mere shadows,
mirages, castles in the air, they drop
with the body that valued them.

from a divine source

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