
Saturday, March 29, 2008

God tests man, so you must welcome tests. Tests are only for giving you greater grace. They are not to be treated as punishments...

You must cultivate the same attitude
towards God's commands and instructions.
Be convinced that if you obey them strictly,
you will attain victory.

One evening Krishna took Arjuna
far out of Dwarka City and while
they were alone together,
He pointed at a bird flying over their heads and asked him,
"Arjuna, isn't it a dove?" Arjuna agreed; he said it was a dove.

Suddenly, Krishna turned towards him
and said, "No, it is a crow." Arjuna concurred and said,
"I am sorry, it certainly is a crow." Immediately,
Krishna asked him, "A crow, no, it must be a kite. Is it not so?"
and Arjuna promptly agreed, "Yes. It is a kite."

At this, Krishna smiled and asked Arjuna,
"Are you in your senses? What exactly do you see?
Why you say, of the same bird, it is a dove,
it must be a crow and it is a kite?" Arjuna said,
"Who am I to dispute your statement?

You can make it a crow even
if it is not one, or, change it into a kite.
I have found that the safest thing is to agree with you,
in full faith. I know of no other course."
It was only after this test, for unflinching faith
that Krishna assured Himself of the credentials
of Arjuna to receive the Geetha advice.T

he inquiry about the identity of the bird was a test.

God tests man; so you must welcome tests.
Tests are only for giving you greater Grace.
They are not to be treated as punishments.
It promotes your confidence.

You enter a house and decide to live there,
only after you are assured that the foundation
is secure, is it not? When your faith is fixed, your life too will flow in peace.

from a divine source

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