
Thursday, April 3, 2008

6 basic enemies of man - lust, hatred, delusion, greed, envy and pride...

The mind is subject to varying moods -
sorrow or joy, anger or fear, love or hate.

For all the diseases arising from the mind,
the basic causes are two - (attachment and aversion).

The mind is filled with these twofold feelings.
Consequently, it tends to forget its basic human nature.

The mind in this state considers the six basic enemies of man -
lust, hatred, delusion, greed, envy and pride - as virtues.

These six vices can poison a person's entire being.
He then forgets his inherent divinity and ceases to be human;
he is a victim of infamy.
But a person filled with good feelings enjoys peace and happiness.

from a divine source

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