
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Posting 635... How can we truly raise our standard of living?

The educational system must be based on the four principles
of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. But, this has not happened.
Therefore, we find it burdened with problems.
It is full of conflict and confusion. Humility, detachment, discrimination, eagerness to serve others, reverence, renunciation -
such virtues are absent among the educated.

No one is prepared to give up; every one is anxious to grab.
A garland can be made only when we have flowers, thread and needle.
A system of education needs intelligence (flowers), devotion (thread)
and the spirit of renunciation and service (needle) to become beneficial.

Raising the standard of living must also mean raising ethical,
moral and spiritual standards. Then only can education lead
to progress in human values and harmony in social life.

from a divine source

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