
Sunday, May 4, 2008

How YOUR emotion speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR emotion
This is the place where it gives birth to all your emotions... Luckily you only need to keep good and sweet memories. Luckily you know how to use positive emotions, like love, care, kindness, tolerance, patience, goodness, helpfulness, thoughtfulness, forbearance and many others!

Negative emotions will kill me. My heart will break! My heart will bleed! My heart will ache! My heart will find no solace. My heart will die without the fuels of proper emotions! I saw many of my other heart-friends that died and froze their smiles on their lips. The death of the heart will soon lead to more other deaths. My body will be expired too.

If you want to live happier, to live healthier, remember to plant all those positive emotions inside me. Keep away the weeds of hatred and revenge. Water it with constant positive self-affirmative sayings. Feed it well with love... If your love is true, nothing else will bother you. Love is the strongest weapon that you should build into your heart!

To forgive and forget? Yes, try this. The over-stressed heart of yours will be too thankful of your right attitude. Your sleep will then be so sweet and relaxing... after you learn to forgive someone who did you wrong. The world will be so much a better place to live, believe me, delete all hatred and sadness... your heart is not going to take it any longer..

to be continued

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