
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post 656... How YOUR body speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR body...

Hi, there guys, do you know that your heart is pumping your blood to be circulated all over your body? From toes to ears and to the end of every blood flow, circulating 2 and half circumference of this globe-distance every pump of your heart? Yet most of you are destroying me with stress, worries, strenuous work, drugs, contaminants, nasty fatty acids, cholesterols and even alcohol! Just imagine how ungrateful you are! Just imagine how un-understanding you are!

Ever thought of revising your diets? Stop killing me! Stop poisoning me! Stop pressuring me! Please stop or I will suffocate with blood clots, with plagues and my walls are hurting me, my muscles aching hard! I beg you to give me a break! My arteries might be blocked, might be stuck bad. I need to survive so that you can survive! I need to work so that you too can work! I need to flow so that you can live...

I need to be fed with CoQ 10, protein, anti-oxidants and some trace vitamins and minerals. I need to be exercised regularly, I need no drugs nor medicines... I demand enough rest, oxygen and my relevant nutrients or 'We' will shrink and die together!

to be continued...

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