
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post 666, Everyday we are fighting adversities... But can we win the test?

Everyday we are fighting adversities...

And can you win the test? Who isn't facing adversities of certain degrees?

The tough side of the story is to how we can manage all those situations... Adversities come in all forms unexplainable and unexpected. Adversities struck all mankind thus are we prepared to face them or fight them or be crushed under them?

Seemingly true that we fear pain, we fear the unknown, we fear misfortunes, we fear disasters, we fear death, we fear separations, we fear illnesses, we fear discomforts, we fear difficulties, we fear failure, we fear poverty, we fear silence, we fear loneliness, we fear aging, we fear hardships, we fear darkness, we fear old age, we fear handicaps, we fear disasters, earthquakes, cyclones, storms, we fear being jilted, hurt, insulted, criticized, we fear changes, we fear disputes, we fear crimes, we fear wars, we fear heights and depths... and the lists go on and on...

What have we not known? What have we not seen? What have we not heard? What have we not been told? What is the best for us? What can be the best for us? What will be the best to happen to us?

The finger comes back pointing directly to our mortal flesh and bone, our mortal feelings and emotions, our mortal mind and thoughts... that all of us definitely would agree that it is never meant to last. Our mortal body is restricted, limited and will not live forever. All of us have to accept this fact that what we have accumulated, learned, allowed in our mind are restricted to our body needs and desires only!

Yet deep inside us, we know that we are immortal, meant to live forever... yes... there is something inside our body. Here is a soul which has no life span and which is immune to pain and death and to all adversities... Our soul who lives forever and is timeless and ageless...

Thus when we have this understanding, our attention will not be on our flesh or our body. We will shift our focus to something intangible, something imperishable, something that goes beyond. It is truth and will remain truth.

Get acquainted with your real self, search within, listen inwards, meditate and understand the real you. How much time do we spend on this understanding of immortality? How much time do we spend on finding peace of mind and peace at heart? It comes along to teach us to have equanimity towards pain and joy, richness or poverty, happiness or sadness and learning to be detached instead of being attached...

It pays to understand the depths of real living, real surviving of our souls instead of our body and mind. Yes, this realization will evoke in us a new outlook of what the real picture looks like. We see with our hearts, we hear with our hearts, we think with our hearts instead of using our eyes, our ears and our mind... Remember it pays to understand our inner needs...

What will adversities play? How will adversities affect us? Why should we win this fight? Who isn't without adversities? When can we win the fight? How long can we endure them? No one can go against nature normalities and win in the long run. Yes, nature will always take its course and balance it in its own ways, be it destructive or constructive. And eventually we have no choice but to live as harmonious and as balance as one is expected to.


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