
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Money may provide all the comforts and conveniences, but can it confer mental peace?

Money may provide all the comforts and conveniences,
but can it confer mental peace? No. Only spirituality can grant peace of mind.

There are 2 forms of love, one binds you to God, the other binds you to the world...

There are two forms of Love.
One binds you to God.
The other binds you to the world.

The mind is responsible
for either of these states.
The mind can be compared to a lock.

If you turn the key to
the right, the lock opens.
If you turn the key to
the left, it gets locked.

The heart is the key
to the lock of the mind.
If you turn the key towards the world,
you have attachment and bondage;
when you turn it towards God, you achieve liberation.

That is why, it has been declared
that the mind is the cause of human
bondage or liberation.

When it is filled with wisdom,
it makes a man a saint.
When it is associated with ignorance,
it turns into an agent of death.

Do not carry heavy and unwanted luggage with you...

Life is like a train journey.
You have a long way to go.
You must learn to make
your journey comfortable.

Do not carry heavy and
unwanted luggage with you.
That will make the journey miserable.
Similarly, do not indulge in fault-finding
and picking quarrels with others.

Don't desire to have the
best things for yourselves only.
Share with others around,
the good things you are given.

Anger, hatred, envy, jealousy,
these are the heavy luggage
God ask you to avoid taking with you in the journey.

Respect and revere your parents as God.

Respect and Revere your parents as God.
Offer salutations to them when you wake up
in the morning, before you go to school and
when you go to bed at night. Never argue with them.
Try to convince them with love.

Remember that as you sow, so shall you reap.
Whatever you do to your parents, your children
will do the same to you. Never talk to them rudely. Be obedient.

Why should we attain perfect equanimity?

There is a tendency to interpret
renunciation as merely giving up worldly attachments.

Renunciation truly means
attaining perfect equanimity.
People may criticize you or praise you,
take them both with a sense of equanimity.

One may try to harm you while
another may try to do you a good turn;
treat both situations with equanimity.

In one business venture, you may incur a loss
while in another you may make a profit; treat them both alike.

Equanimity is the hallmark of spiritual attainment.

Don't remain inside your 'hard shell', come out and be yourself..

We are kind enough to give,
We are human enough to feel,
We are passionate enough to love,
We are compassionate enough to love...
but atlas, life is the other way...

Life isn't what we ought to get...
Life isn't without troubles and hate...
Life isn't without getting jilted...
Life isn't without getting hurt...
and atlas, we do hide inside our shell...

We lost our smiles,
We lost our hopes,
We lost our appetites,
We lost our directions...
and atlas, who will really understand?

Families want us to get well...
Friends came knocking on our shells,
Colleagues came showering concern,
All prayed for our safe and immediate return...
and at last, we crawled out of our shells...

Be brave, be courageous...
Be strong, be adventurous...
Life is all on different learning stages...
Life is all about living out the best of ages...
and at last, we succeeded in crushing negatives...

Cheers... the sun once again shines...
Cheers... the stars once again twinkles...
If you yourself cannot appreciate happiness...
Who is going to help you build your happiness?
so, eventually, we agree to be at ease and live in happiness!

Fill your heart with love and chant the divine name...

Fill your heart with love
and chant the divine name.
Only then can you attain Divinity.

Perform all your activities with love.
Love should originate from the source,
i.e., the heart and not by force.

Today people chant the Divine name,
not from source, but out of force.
No benefit accrues from chanting
the Divine name unless it is done wholeheartedly.

Anger is not a human quality...

Humanity can rise to Divinity through sense control.
When you get angry, remind yourself
that anger is not a human quality;
it is an animal quality.

Anger is the quality of a dog.
When you are angry, tell yourself,
"I am not a dog, I am a man."
Similarly when your mind wavers, tell yourself repeatedly,

"I am not a monkey, I am a man."
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence
are the true human values. Losing any one of these
values amounts to losing one's life principle itself.

from a divine source

The body, mind, senses and intellect are all negatives in nature...

The body, mind, senses
and intellect are all negative in nature.
Only the conscience is positive.

Just as the microphone is useless
without the current, so also are
the body, mind, senses and intellect
without the conscience.

from a divine source

Do not hate, harm or criticize anybody...

The conscience that exists in
every one is one and the same,
just as the current that flows
through different bulbs is the same.

All are one. So, do not hate,
harm or criticize anybody.
He is a noble one, who conducts himself
without hurting others and not being
troubled in the process himself.

Give up vices like smoking....

In order to have sacred thoughts,
give up vices like smoking, consumption
of non-vegetarian food and intoxicants.

Do not waste food, money, time and energy.
from a divine source

Man is bound to face the consequences of his actions...

Man is bound to face the
consequences of his actions,
be they good or bad, small or big.

It is most essential for man
to understand this truth and act accordingly.

Before undertaking any action,
enquire whether it is good or bad, right or wrong

The mind must become the servant of the intellect, not the slave of the senses...

The mind must become the servant
of the intellect, not the slave of the senses.

It must discriminate and detach
itself from identification with the body.

The kernel of the ripe tamarind fruit
is not attached to the outer shell;
likewise the mind must be unattached
to this shell called the body.

Strike an unripe tamarind fruit
with a stone and you cause harm
to the pulp inside; but, when you
strike the ripe fruit it is the dry rind that falls off;
nothing affects the pulp or the seed.

The mature aspirant does not feel
the blows of fate or fortune; it is the
unripe one who is wounded by every blow.

from a divine source

from a divine source

Actions depend on the mind, the mind on thoughts...

Actions depend on the mind, the mind on thoughts.
As are the thoughts, so is the action.

Hence, for the world to be peaceful
and prosperous, man should foster truthful thoughts.

Today man has strayed away from the 3-fold path of truth, righteousness and sacrifice

Today man has strayed away from
the three-fold path of truth, righteousness and sacrifice.

As a result, humanness is on the decline.
It makes one really wonder whether a true
human being exists in this world at all! It is said,
"The proper study of mankind is man."
A true human being is one who has harmony in thought, word and deed.

divinely sent

Attachment causes pain...

Attachment causes pain, and detachment results in joy.
But, you cannot easily detach yourself from activity;
the mind clings to something or the other.

Make it cling to God, let it perform all actions for God
and leave the success or failure, the loss and the profit,
the elation or the dejection, to God.

This is the secret of Peace and contentment.

Follow the heart, do not follow the head, lest you should be caught up in the mire of worldly life...

Follow the heart, do not follow the head,
lest you should be caught up in the mire of worldly life.

Head puts you in many dangers.
If you follow the head, you may lose your head itself!

Turn your vision inward.
Follow the heart, which is the source
of all the noble qualities like truth, righteousness,
peace, love and non-violence.

from a divine source

Beauty is not related to the body, it originates from character and purity.

Beauty is not related to the body, it originates from character and purity.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Grief is the feet and joy the head, both are part of the same entity...

Grief is the feet and joy the head;
both are part of the same entity.
You cannot welcome joy and reject grief at the same time.
You cannot have the obverse without the reverse.

The diamond is at first just a
dull piece of stone, a hard pebble.
Only when it is cut by a skilled artisan
does it shine brilliantly like a flame.

Allow yourselves to be treated
by the Master so that all your dullness
will disappear and you will emerge
effulgent as a resplendent diamond.

from a divine source

Article 676.. If you have such a mother-in-law....

If you have such a mother-in-law at home?

She stays at home, she cooks, she grumbles, she complains, she nags, she is not happy, she is pointing fingers and she scolds... and she is 71 years old.

Everything was well taken for, everything was well arranged, everything was in its proper place, every expenses paid for, yet you will find this mother-in-law nagging and complaining. To make things worst, she says some condemning remarks and her son was angry. What can you do?

This is a very common situation where many people feel that they cannot accept their aged parents to live together. Where is peace? Where is love? Where is this family togetherness?

Let's move forward to being happier and healthier... and bring forth sparks of joy and happiness in the family, living with parents-in-laws.

It is fun to know something. It is important to know THIS!

As a daughter-in-law, her position and influence is in such a way that she needs to solve all problems, small or just brewing. Sensing the icy, unhappy situation, she did a very wise move. She told her husband that there was nothing to be angry about. Although they have 5 children, she told him that there are 6 kids in the family. His mum is one of them. Let her nag, let her voice her emotion, she is just a kid! although she is his mum! We need to be very patient, be very considerate, be very loving and teaching or explaining instead of scolding or arguing back!

Here is what one can do:
[1] Heed not what she nags
[2] Shower her with more love
[3] Shower her with more gifts
[4] Provide her with more edible food
[5] Celebrate with her
[6] Provide her more cash
[7] Bring her for some travels
[8] Respect her

All that starts well will end well and happy. Thus it was a win/win situation where the son is happy and his mother happy too. Do not leave the aged alone and lonely at their homes or some old folks home. Be generous and peaceful at home first before giving or searching them from the society outside! All good things should start from the family!

Cheers! Nothing is impossible, learn to live with happiness and good health! Don't tell me that you have no mother...