
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Article 676.. If you have such a mother-in-law....

If you have such a mother-in-law at home?

She stays at home, she cooks, she grumbles, she complains, she nags, she is not happy, she is pointing fingers and she scolds... and she is 71 years old.

Everything was well taken for, everything was well arranged, everything was in its proper place, every expenses paid for, yet you will find this mother-in-law nagging and complaining. To make things worst, she says some condemning remarks and her son was angry. What can you do?

This is a very common situation where many people feel that they cannot accept their aged parents to live together. Where is peace? Where is love? Where is this family togetherness?

Let's move forward to being happier and healthier... and bring forth sparks of joy and happiness in the family, living with parents-in-laws.

It is fun to know something. It is important to know THIS!

As a daughter-in-law, her position and influence is in such a way that she needs to solve all problems, small or just brewing. Sensing the icy, unhappy situation, she did a very wise move. She told her husband that there was nothing to be angry about. Although they have 5 children, she told him that there are 6 kids in the family. His mum is one of them. Let her nag, let her voice her emotion, she is just a kid! although she is his mum! We need to be very patient, be very considerate, be very loving and teaching or explaining instead of scolding or arguing back!

Here is what one can do:
[1] Heed not what she nags
[2] Shower her with more love
[3] Shower her with more gifts
[4] Provide her with more edible food
[5] Celebrate with her
[6] Provide her more cash
[7] Bring her for some travels
[8] Respect her

All that starts well will end well and happy. Thus it was a win/win situation where the son is happy and his mother happy too. Do not leave the aged alone and lonely at their homes or some old folks home. Be generous and peaceful at home first before giving or searching them from the society outside! All good things should start from the family!

Cheers! Nothing is impossible, learn to live with happiness and good health! Don't tell me that you have no mother...

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