
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Viewing uncensored videos or movies is bad influence for most people...

I used to be on the move, sometimes I am on board a ship, sometimes flying and occasionally by bus. Yesterday morning, I happened to be on an express boat heading to a small town upstreams.

Kapit was my destination. I was travelling along Rejang River and bought a seat at the first class cabin. I was enjoying my cruise and was familiarizing its environment. I was relaxing and visualizing happily in my own sweet dimensions when I was abruptly jolted awake...

Just a few seats in front of me, was a television set and was playing a video. I couldn't possibly shut out my ears or eyes and was unintentionally watching the video too. If I am not mistaken, the video was about doomsday! Worst still, the other movie that followed was another video, Tokyo's shock, something to do with machine girl.

It contained such cruel, disturbing, revolting and foul languages repeated and emphasized on murdering as if these people were a pack of chickens lead to slaughter! Definitely I know that it was never real! But I found it really disgusting. I might be too sensitive, one may say, but definitely I won't let my small children watch them.

I describe it as such bad influence, unknowingly planting these seeds of hostility spiced with foul languages unsuitable for most people with unstable minds. Our eyes are like a camera, recording what we see and then installed inside our brain cells.

Won't it be better that we install beautiful, meaningful, graceful and educational pictures or languages inside our brain cells? It is quality Moral Quotient that most people are lacking... If we have this power of choice, please choose carefully... we are what we see, learn and acquire... Choose to feel peaceful and grateful... life definitely is beautiful...

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