
Friday, November 28, 2008

We are what we eat...

We are what we eat...

Eat well, we get well...
Eat fine, we will be fine...
Eat rotten, we get rotten...
Eat poor, we get poor health...

Eat plenty, to feed all cells...
Eat variety, to produce lively cells...
Eat well, our immune system fights well...
Eat poor, our immune system is defeated...

Eat balance, our body metabolism is balanced...
Eat unbalanced, our body metabolism becomes out of balance...
Eat excess, you get overweight...
Eat in distress, you get indigestion and wait...

A multitude of illnesses follow...
A multitude of dis-eases follow...
So, who should we blame?
So, who is at fault, say its name!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Good news! Join this health forum,

This is an exciting way of sharing health issues and topics. All of you are most welcomed to drop in some ideas and open for discussions, and all and all is for the benefits of all who are health-conscious and would like to win the race of good health for all!

Click on this health forum, specially built for all....


Post 750. Something exciting is going on! I joined a health forum just yesterday!

Total health is best captured in 4 dimensions...
Who suffers a bad headache and doesn't feel stressed?
Who suffers a bad headache and still can think straight?
Who suffers a bad headache and is still in peaceful spirit?

Think twice, add twice, measure twice, the carpenter's rule...
Be thankful and grateful, Mother Nature's rule...
Eat right, rest right, exercise right, act right, the health rules...
Live right, sleep right, find right, spread right, the health rules

Love right, feel right, smile right, talk right, the emotion rules...
Think right, learn right, invest right, install right, the mental rules...
Visualize right, meditate right, pray right, the spiritual rules...
Forgive right, forget right, be selfless, true love's rules...
Remember, total health is best captured in all 4 dimensions...
Remember, total health is best nurtured in persistent actions...
Remember, total health is best spread to all corners of the world...
Remember, total health is best when in the embrace of Mother Nature!
This was just one of the thread I posted just now. Look for

Life is good, live it!

Life is good, live it!
Life is fine, enjoy it!
Life is precious, treasure it!
Life is wonderful, be grateful!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Face all adversities with a smile, and smile to face and adjust all adversities...

Easier said than done, right?
Smile means many things...
S = simply accept it
M - make the most of it
I - introduce and accept new ways
L - love isn't destroyed by handicaps
E - enthusiastic to live out the best of you!

Where is there no rain?
Where is there no pain?
Cheers to those who pass this adversity test!
Cheers to those who understand God's test!

"Your impatience is my patience..".

Your impatience needs my patience!
Why be irritated and agitated?
There are times that we need
to sort things out or be sorry....
Why should one be that hurt
when what we need is just to relax???
Why should one not pass the test
when what we need is just to ignore???
His impatience needs her patience....
Her impatience needs his patience....
Do we learn from there or
wait for the volcanoes to erupt???

It is necessary to get rid of negative shortcomings with firm determination and to achieve success in life for here and hereafter...

Be Honest

If a person once entangles himself
in falsehood and intrigues, in spite of making countless efforts,
he can never get out of it, and day-by-day
he will keep moving toward his downfall.

We never improve our personality
keeping these elements within us or as a part our habits.
When we are successful in concealing our first dishonest act,
it is easier for us to commit the second one.

When it goes on for some time,
to be dishonest will be almost a part of us.
Our conscience will not prick us anymore.

Lies, treachery, manipulation and fraud
are such aspects of one's personality,
which will lead to failure, insult and defamation.

It is necessary to get rid of these
negative shortcomings, with firm determination,
in order to achieve success in life for here and hereafter.

Honesty is one of the pillars on which
the moral survival of the world depends.

from a divine source