
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beware of 2 negatives, 'good things, talk less less', 'bad things talk more more...'

"Good things, talk less less, bad things talk more more"

好事讲少少[good things minimizes]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much negatives...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on love so little...
Funny that some people emphasizes on money so little...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on time so little...
In actual fact, it was never that serious...

They have many positives, yet they couldn't find any...
They have many loved ones, yet they didn't see any...
They have so much money, yet they said not enough...
They have time to watch television, yet is not enough...
So, they complain and grumble all their lifetime...

坏事讲多多[bad things exaggerates]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much depreciations...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on loneliness so much...
Funny that some people emphasizes on sufferings so much...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on poverty so much...
In actual fact, they are so much better off...

It was just a scratch, but they said it was bent...
It was just a redness swollen, but they said it was serious...
It was just a day of hard work, but to them it was ages...
It was just a minor incident, but to them great misfortunes...
What can we do or communicate with these people?

Be aware that there are these people so false...
Seemingly to me they are born with a discount...
These people needs help, though they look so false...
They aren't collecting any points that they can count...
Poor fellows, why choose a road of no return?

What can one do to undo these faults-gathering folks?
What can one do to rid their negative thoughts and ways?
They feast on negatives, they delight in savouring rumours...
They collect bad news, they discuss on lovelessness...
They feed on bad luck, they empasizes on loneliness...

Dare you to live with these people so ignorant!
Dare you to challenge them and make them straight!
Forbearance, patience, love, be kind, be forgiving...
Caring, sharing, guiding, feeding and be understanding...
Give them time, grow with them, love them unconditionally...

That is the only thing we can do, to pass the test...
Only then you will understand humanity and God's test!
Don't fear them, don't condemn them, they know not of their faults..
Don't isolate them, don't scold them, shower them with more love...
Indeed, we all come from our Creator and back we will be, together...


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