
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You can tap into the healer within.... to heal, to improve, to love and to be at peace with yourself...

It is not difficult to communicate with your own subconscious and tap into the healer within. You can trust your own internal computer system which is your subconscious mind. Our mind is capable of storing vast amounts of information.

Let's look at it in a simple way, it has been said many times that we humans use only about ten percent of our brain. What is really meant by this is that the conscious mind needs about 10% of our brain’s resources. In other words, thinking, moving about, making choices, planning, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling are all conscious activities, and take up 10% of our processing power.

By then, what is the other 90% of the brain doing?

If the conscious mind takes up 10% of your brain, we can refer to the other 90% as the subconscious mind. This silent and unconscious majority of the brain is constantly busy storing information and keeping your body systems running efficiently. It also is important to understand that the subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over the things we do and how we behave and feel.

Most people give little thought to their subconscious minds. But imagine for a moment having to take over the functions that your subconscious mind performs. Imagine the difficulty of instructing your digestive system how to digest your lunch, or telling your cells how to create enzymes and proteins.

What about your heart beating or breathing in air, moving in and out of your lungs every moment of everyday. And you think you have full control of all?

Under certain circumstances, memories return to them when a certain area of the brain is stimulated. Someone might suddenly remember a scene, a smell, or a sound from a particular moment in their life when stimulated.

Often these flashes of memory are about events or scenes that would be unremembered under normal circumstances. In the same precise spot, the same memory will be re-lived.

Our sub-conscious mind is an amazing recording device. Certainly everything that you’ve ever done in your entire life has been logged in your subconscious mind. Every face you’ve ever seen in your life, every taste, every voice, every song, every smell, every touch and every sensation you have ever experienced has been recorded by your subconscious.

Every illness, every virus, bacteria or mould that has ever invaded your body, all your disappointments, all your thoughts and feelings, and the entire history of every cell in your body have all been stored well for reference.

Your subconscious is also aware of any trapped emotions that your body may be harboring, and it also knows exactly what effect these trapped emotions are having on your physical, emotional and mental well being. All of this and more is locked away in the subconscious mind.

Thus, definitely your subconscious mind is also aware of exactly what your body needs in order to get well. Be willing to be at peace with yourself because we are fully responsible for our own health! Tap your healer within!

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