
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doctors did the most difficult part! You just do the easiest, be healthy!

When in the hospital, I look at doctors on duty with wonder and awe, doing all those most difficult jobs that no one else are willing to do. These doctors touch, comfort, cure, cut and sew, listen and explain.... when facing some of the most ill patients! They have to attend to every ugly wounds, tear and wear of our body parts, swollen and infected flesh and blood!

I can feel their silence, their frustrations, their distresses, their hopeless shaking of their heads, the awareness of death approaching and yet sometimes nothing can be done to help! There are uncountable cases of death that just slipped through their fingers and yet they have done their very best!

Death to them is without a blink of an eye. These doctors are given new very ill cases at the same time. And very soon, their new patients will be joining the crowd of no-return. Maybe few will understand their situations, few will really appreciate what these doctors contributed, but they are there to fight to the last breathe!

Inside their hearts, an inner voice is always vivid, 'Why come for treatment so late?' Why at this last stage? Where is this miracle cure? Where is this miracle machine? Why can't we get 100% recovery for all these treatments?' Yet the number of patients keep lining up!

They care, they cure, they give treatments, yet these cancer patients crawled in but seldom or never walked out!

I don't want to emphasize on pain, on sufferings, on endurance and fear or stress of all these patients. I need not describe any scenes of what went on inside the operation theatres, the emergencies, the ICU wards, where cold steel and warm blood fights between life and death!

Why should I take all these problems to write such articles? The main purpose is to instill an awareness of being healthy. To prevent is so much better than cure. Be healthy, be responsible for your own health, your families and loved ones. Don't encourage and allow the war of cold steel and warm blood to continue! It is a matter of life and death!

I salute all doctors, all those wonderful doctors who have contributed that very much in these fields of treatments and cures. But we should at least try to lessen their nasty jobs, their noble jobs, their ever-increasing jobs BY KEEPING OURSELVES HEALTHY! This is the easiest job given! Take heed, don't join the crowd linning up to be 'slaughtered'!

Pls take note. Visit my health forum. Http:// I have posted many health issues in this forum.

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