
Friday, February 6, 2009

These are apples of different colours, but without the skin, they are the same... apples are apples...

Human beings live in this planet we called the 'earth' but sometimes divided by religion, race, colors, places, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and differences or opinions. But we all are creations of our Creator who is the master of the cosmos, of this universe and all the other planets.

One should not allow the color of our skin to differentiate between one another. If one is born a black or a white or yellowish, can we change the fact and deny this very fact? No, we can't. We are born with our own colors of skin but it doesn't really matter.

Racial discriminations isn't going to help to attain peace and harmony. Check this out, if we were to close our eyes and listen well with our hearts, the other person sitting next to you is also breathing and his heart beating! There isn't any differences. Only when one opens his eyes that he knows his color is different!

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