
Thursday, February 5, 2009

This world can be a much happier place to live if...

Can you imagine a world of happy and healthy people with understanding smiles, encouraging nods and warm handshakes? And people whose eyes shine with friendship and love? And selfless people all ready to help each other?Well, go ahead and visualize this world to be full of these people, to be full of these wonderfully emotionally stable people.

Let us be surrounded with graceful people who are kind, who are understanding, who are generous, who are patient, who are forgiving and who speaks softly and never irritates you.

There will be no grumpy people, no complaining people, no selfish or greedy people. And they have peace at heart and peace of mind. No suspicion, no competition, no cheatings, no lies, no abuses, no fear, no fights, no revenges, no criticisms, no condemning or yelling at each other....

How wonderful this world will be then. How lovely this world will be then. And loving and caring people always ready to help, to guide and to share...It is such a nice feeling, such a peaceful feeling and that each are enjoying brotherly and sisterly love.

Yes, it will be, it will happen... BUT IT ALL STARTS FROM US, WE as AN INDIVIDUAL to learn to be at peace with each other. Yes, it all starts from us, do we have those loving qualities?

The string of change starts from we ourselves. We ourselves need to change, only then the world will change for the better. Only then we will be enjoying 'heaven on earth', otherwise it will be 'hell on earth'!

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