
Sunday, February 8, 2009

What are negative emotions? [part 2]

What are these negative emotions?

These emotions are negative and are destructive! It is a feeling so desperate and desolate! It gives birth to bad influence.s.. it gives birth to hell in heaven...

Negative emotions DESTROY! They include:
- Hate
- Hell
- revenge
- negative
- destructive
- fear
- unforgiving
- anger
- worries
- sadness
- kills
- dislike
- unkind
- selfish
- sacastic
- inhuman proctises

Of course, the lists continue... Fear not, all of us are given the power of choice. The power of choice, to choose to be at the state of positive emotions!

Be tuned to a better emotional mood, be acquiring to improve our EQ!It can all start from being patient... have patience in everything! Slow to anger, slow to revenge, slow to fight back... and you will feel so much better!

This is taken from my health forum open for discussions. It can be reached at

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