
Friday, March 20, 2009

Post 808 What is happiness?

Man wants happiness. He shuns pain.
He moves heaven and earth to get
the happiness he wants from sensual objects,
and lo, gets himself entangled in the extricable meshes of illusion.

Poor man! He does not know that these objects
are perishable and evanescent, finite and
conditioned in time, space, and causation.

And what is more, he
fails to get the desired happiness from them.

Sensual pleasure is
tantalizing. There is enchantment so long
as man does not possess the objects.

The moment he is in possession of the object, the charm
vanishes. He finds that he is in entanglement.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Richness is not money, it is grace, wisdom and righteousness...

God is the manager of the bank of love.
You have deposited your money in His bank.

In order to withdraw money from this bank,
you have to submit the cheque of sacrifice
with the signature of love.

Love is God; live in love.
Any thing may happen,
your love for God should not change.

Only through such love can
you follow the path of sacrifice
and withdraw 'money' from the Divine bank.

Here 'money' does not mean currency notes.
It is the 'money' of grace, wisdom and righteousness.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So, here we are back to the 5 capabilities of our body and are we equiped with all of these?

The answer is still the same, eat enough of those required foods that will grow us, maintain our health, fight illnesses, repair body system, anti-stress, anti-aging and fight cancer!

The answer is referring to more natural foods like vegetables and fruits, unprocessed cereals and wild fished or wild gathered foods or fowls.

We need the 40 essential foods or nutrients to make us healthy, thus the need to supplement enough to be enough.

Too much is an excess, too little is inadequate! It is really a skill in how to maintain our health in all 4 levels. Follow the tao of eating!

How do one measure our ability to fight against cancer?

Antioxidants are powerful nutrients found in certain foods. As their name suggests, they work to protect your health by fighting against free radicals in your body and preventing damage from oxidation. Antioxidants are a necessity to every diet because no matter how healthy a lifestyle you lead you will be exposed to free radicals. In fact, we are all exposed to free radicals everyday,

Some free radicals are generated from normal body functions like breathing, metabolism and physical activity. Others are created by the immune system to neutralize viruses and bacteria. Still others are a result of environmental factors including pollution, radiation, herbicides and cigarette smoke. Free radicals attack healthy cells, causing them to weaken and become more susceptible to disease.

Flavonoids, found in fruits and vegetables, are the largest group of several thousand compounds belonging to the antioxidant-rich polyphenol family. Flavonoids are further broken down into subclasses that you have likely heard of such as anthocyanins, flavonols, flavones, flavanones and flavanols.

How much do we really know about foods that fight cancer? And how much can we eat?

How anti-aging are you? Do you still have a youthful look?

The largest group of these anti aging foods are the ones that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that clear away free radicals, damaging particles that damage body cells and accelerate aging.

Free radicals are always being produced in our bodies, so antioxidants are constantly needed to remove the free radicals before they have a change to do damage. Many foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain antioxidants, while a few are astonishingly high in these beneficial anti-aging food molecules. Three of the best are blueberries, red kidney beans, and cranberries.

Anti-aging food stars are the whole vegetables and fruits. Proteins should come primarily from beans, nuts, and seafood, with a minimum of dairy, poultry and red meat products. Healthy fats include olive oil and, to a lesser extent, other vegetable oils - avoid trans fats and saturated fats as much as possible.

Anti-aging foods are definitely worth a try. Supplementation can also ensure that you get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients you need, as sometimes even the most well-balanced diet is lacking in some essentials.

Can we eat them all?

How can you fight stress? How stress-fighting are you?

Important nutrients in the anti stress diet include zinc, which can be found in seafood such as oysters, whole wheat, nuts, seeds, eggs and lean meats. If you are not sensitive to dairy products, include cheese and yogurt in your anti stress diet.

When you are feeling stress, you may become deficient in magnesium. The anti stress diet emphasizes magnesium found in dark-green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit, figs, sweet corn, raisins, carrots, seeds and nuts. You will want to consume fruits and vegetables such as those high in vitamin C including citrus fruit, cabbage and broccoli, strawberries, blackberries and kiwi.

Experts suggest an anti stress diet should include B vitamins, which are found in whole grains, yeast extract, yogurt, dates and liver. Your anti stress diet might also include brown rice, rye, oatmeal, quinoa and buckwheat.

When selecting protein sources, choose the leaner cuts of meat for your anti stress diet. Vegetarian products, such as those made from soy, may make a fine addition to an anti stress diet.

The best fats for an anti stress diet include sunflower or safflower oils, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed walnut, unsalted nuts and sesame seeds.

Try to consume between five and 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day to get enough fiber in your anti stress diet. A physical trainer may be able to tell you how much protein you should be consuming based on your particular lean muscle mass. Generally, experts say protein should be spread out throughout the day in four or five mini-meals.

It’s best to avoid foods high in refined sugar while on an anti stress diet. If you crave sugar, try eating fruit such as red grapes or treat yourself to raw honey. Bee pollen is known for reducing stress, making it a great supplement to an anti stress diet.

Also, herbal supplements that fit with the goals of an anti stress diet include Siberian ginseng, which supports adrenal gland functions when the body is challenged by stress. Chamomile, widely used for relaxation, may also be enjoyed as a tea.

Is it that easy to fight stress?

How strong is your immune system? Can your immune system protect you?

What can I do to support and maintain a healthy immune system?

  • Support a healthy digestive process. In particular, the acidic environment provided in your stomach and the presence of digestive enzymes can destroy some bacteria and viruses that you ingest in food, and therefore, provides protection for your body.
  • Consume adequate protein and healthy fats.
  • Provide for balanced immune and inflammatory functions. Clinical studies have shown that maintaining a healthy balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is one way to support balance in your immune and inflammation responses system.
  • Provide micronutrients and phytonutrients that support healthy immune function.
  • Decrease intake of allergens and toxins. Eating whole grains, fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables, wild-caught fish, and meat and eggs from organically raised animals is one way to minimize the intake of toxins and unhealthy molecules that can inhibit your immune system's ability to protect your health.
  • Maintain healthy weight and cholesterol levels. We need to be consuming optimal levels of micronutrients and immune-supporting phytonutrients.
Can you eat that much? Are we doing that?

We eat to survive, not survive to eat! We eat food so as to continue living...

Food for Growth

Scientists have discovered that we need over 40 nutrients for growth!

There are six classes of nutrients. They are carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. You need different amounts of each nutrient each day due to the role each of them plays within your growing body. Depending on your body size and activity level you may need more or less of a certain nutrient than your friends do.

It can be hard to get enough of some nutrients at certain times. Sometimes nutrients are lost from foods. Vitamins and minerals are lost when grains are made into flour. But these nutrients are so important that they are added back into bread products. This is known as enrichment.

By eating a wide variety of foods you can be sure that you are getting the 40 nutrients you need each day. The Food Guide Pyramid will help you choose from each of the food groups in order to meet all of your needs.

Can we consume that much?