
Friday, May 22, 2009

True love is the sweet fruit that grows out of the fragrant flower of good deeds...

Pure and selfless love towards all living beings,
considering everyone as embodiments of the Divine,
with no expectation of reward, is true Love.

With this attitude, when one regards divinity
as present in all beings, he experiences true love.

Whatever be the vicissitudes one may face,
whatever be the personal sorrows and privations
one may undergo, true love will remain unaffected.

Today, the moment a difficulty arises,
love turns into hatred.

True love is the sweet fruit that
grows out of the fragrant flower of good deeds.

Love rules without recourse to the sword.
It binds without laws.

Only one who has such true love
can be described as human, for,
divine love is the basic quality of a true human being.

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