
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Courage is the tonic for getting both physical as well as mental health and strength..

Courage is the tonic for getting both
physical as well as mental health and strength.

Give up doubt, hesitation and fear.
Man by means of the inner divine strength
with which he is equipped, can achieve any thing.

The chief source of bliss is dedication to God;
nothing else can give the genuine and lasting joy.

You do not know how to make
an ornament out of gold, so you give it to a smith.

Why worry if he melts it
and beats it and pierces it and
pulls it into wire and twists it and cuts it?

Let him who knows the art,
shape the child into an ornament of society, do not worry.

The progress of the universe is interlinked with the progress of man...

The progress of the universe is
interlinked with the progress of man.

Any amount of development in scientific,
economic and social spheres will not be
of much use without mental transformation.

How can we bring about this transformation?
It is by keeping in check one's passions and emotions.

Since mental tension is most detrimental to man's health,
man should learn the art of controlling his passions and emotions,
which cause stress and strain.

Man should make an earnest endeavour
to lead a serene and pure life. He should realise
the truth that troubles and turmoil are temporary, like passing clouds.

There is no scope for agitations
to arise if one realises this truth.

One who realises this truth will not
allow his mind to be swayed by the passions of anger, cruelty, etc.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Goodness, compassion, tolerance....

Goodness, compassion, tolerance – through these
virtues one can perceive the Divinity in oneself
and in others.

Softness of heart is often
condemned as weakness, cowardice and want of
intelligence; they say that the heart has to be
hardened against pity and charity, but that way
lies war, destruction and downfall.

Love alone
confers lasting happiness and peace. Sharing can
alone reduce grief and multiply joy. People are
born to share, to serve, to give and not to grab.


We speak of the sky
and the ocean as being blue in colour,
but this is incorrect.

Neither the sky nor the ocean
are actually blue themselves.
It is the vastness of space and
the depth of the ocean that
produces this illusion of blueness.

If you take some seawater in your palm,
you will see that it is actually colourless.
Likewise, good and evil depend on our own thoughts and feelings.

Difference of opinion must be like the 2 eyes, each giving a different picture of the same subject...both of which coordinated to give a complete pic

Difference of opinion must be like the two eyes, each giving a different picture of the same object; both of which, when coordinated give a complete rounded picture. It is no use indulging in arguments and disputations; he who clamors aloud has not grasped the Truth, believe Me. Silence is the only language of the realized.

Those who know will not speak; those who speak do not know, can not know. It is the ignorant man who argues loudly and angrily and talks cynically. The wise man will pause before judging; he will see all sides of the problem, relate it to his own experience and hesitate to accept it or condemn it. He will hear less and taste more.

It is foolishness to brood over mishaps and mistakes once committed and punish yourself for them...

It is foolishness to brood over
mishaps and mistakes once committed
and punish yourself for them.
What is good of ill-treating the body
for the sake of correcting the mind?

Never brood over the past;
when grief overpowers,
you do not recollect similar incidents
in your past experience and
add to the sum of your grief;
recollect rather incidents
when grief did not knock at your door,
but you were happy instead.

Draw consolation and strength
from such memories and raise yourself
above the surging waters of sorrow.

Fight against bad thoughts and bad deeds...

"Fight against bad thoughts and bad deeds,
Run away from bad company and join good company.
Develop good thoughts, good feelings,
and undertake good actions and attain Divinity."

Love love love, there is always love, full of love...

Behind every virtue,
lies the backbone of love.
Truth is important in a relationship of love.

You cannot lie or be deceitful,
for your love also becomes a lie.
Behind patience, also, lies the foundation of love.

Why else would you bear or endure,
if there is no love?

You forgive the faults of someone close,
only because of love. You are humble,
because you want to please the one you love.
You will want to give away the best you have, only out of love.

Even if one hurts you,
you will not hurt back and
you will swallow the anger and pride, only out of love.

Try to love, want to love,
for love will make you a better person.
Your virtues are the compartments that follow the engine of love.