
Saturday, November 21, 2009

The progress of the universe is interlinked with the progress of man...

The progress of the universe is
interlinked with the progress of man.

Any amount of development in scientific,
economic and social spheres will not be
of much use without mental transformation.

How can we bring about this transformation?
It is by keeping in check one's passions and emotions.

Since mental tension is most detrimental to man's health,
man should learn the art of controlling his passions and emotions,
which cause stress and strain.

Man should make an earnest endeavour
to lead a serene and pure life. He should realise
the truth that troubles and turmoil are temporary, like passing clouds.

There is no scope for agitations
to arise if one realises this truth.

One who realises this truth will not
allow his mind to be swayed by the passions of anger, cruelty, etc.

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