
Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain, grief is an interval between two moments of joy...

Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain -
grief is an interval between
two moments of joy.

Peace is the interlude between two wars.
You have no rose without a thorn;
the diligent picker will avoid the pricks
and gather the flowers.

There is no bee without the sting; cleverness
consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.

Troubles and travails
will haunt you. But you must not allow
them to deflect you from the
path of duty and dedication.

The world today is afflicted with
anxiety, fear, depression, hatred, greed and suspicion.

The only way
the world can be set right is for man
to realise his high destiny;
for every man yearns for two boons -
attainment of joy and escape from sorrow.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do not count your tears of pain, do no pour over your grief...

Do not count your tears of pain;
do not pour over your grief.

Let them pass through your mind,
as birds fly through the sky,
leaving no trail behind, or as flames and floods
appear on the screen in a picture house,
without affecting the screen.

Give up in order to gain;
restrain in order to receive;
sacrifice, so that you may be saved.

You have to sacrifice your animality,
the beastly lust and greed, hate and malice.
Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of un-flinching peace.

If you analyze the difference
between God and man, you will find
that life plus desire is man and life minus desire is God.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts, charged with humility...

Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts,
charged with humility; irrigate with waters of love;
protect the growing crop with fertilizer concentration;
then the plants of devotion will yield the harvest of the eternal wisdom,
that you are He, and when that revelation comes, you become He,
for, you were always He, though you did not know it so far.

Invitations are sent out, bands strike music,
flags are hung, guests are fed, announcements are made -
all with the intention of having many witnesses
for the marriage of the groom with the bride.

So too, festivals, holy days, vows, rites, pilgrimages,
fasts, are all to invoke the blessings of the good and
the Godly upon the marriage of the Soul with the over soul.