
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts, charged with humility...

Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts,
charged with humility; irrigate with waters of love;
protect the growing crop with fertilizer concentration;
then the plants of devotion will yield the harvest of the eternal wisdom,
that you are He, and when that revelation comes, you become He,
for, you were always He, though you did not know it so far.

Invitations are sent out, bands strike music,
flags are hung, guests are fed, announcements are made -
all with the intention of having many witnesses
for the marriage of the groom with the bride.

So too, festivals, holy days, vows, rites, pilgrimages,
fasts, are all to invoke the blessings of the good and
the Godly upon the marriage of the Soul with the over soul.