
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dare you to live 100, DISEASE-FREE & HEALTHY! He says and I say... it is possible! 312 meridians is the answer! [part 3]

Of the 312 meridian exercises, the number of 3 refers to massaging three acupoints of hegu on the hand (left) neiguan on the wrist (center) and zusanli on the knee (right).

"Physical exercise will involve the excitation of all the meridians spreading in the whole body," he explained.

In fact, in Zhu's views, the health benefits of all kinds of physical exercise are actually coming from the enhancement of the meridians in the process.

Daily exercises for 25 minutes will keep people young and vigorous, prevent and treat many senile and difficult diseases and relieve some common diseases, Zhu claims.

During the past 17 years, Zhu had formally trained more than 10,000 people, mostly elderly people. "Though the popularization of the exercise is slow, I obtain valuable proof information from them that the exercise is effective for health promotion," he said.

Zhang Yawen, 74, was a typical beneficiary of 312 exercises. She was a college professor and had long been inflicted by hypertension and arthritis, which often made her sleepless at night.

She claimed her health improved a lot after she followed 312 exercises for a few months. Now she has the confidence to live to 100.

Zhu conducted a study among more than 8,000 people attending his training class, 95 percent of whom suffered from chronic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, asthma, diabetes and arthritis. Most have seen major improvements after four weeks' practice.

Though Zhu had a strong wish to spread his exercise to a larger population, he still depends on opening workshops and distributing study materials to spread the word.