
Monday, May 31, 2010

Read this... this is possible for achieving peace in this world... said by the Creator, and it is only HE who can put peace into our minds, hearts ...

From a divine source.... read this...

One's selfish needs have to be sacrificed. There must be constant efforts to do good to others. Your desire should be to establish the welfare of the world. With all these feelings at heart, you must meditate on the Lord. This is the right path. If great men and those in authority are thus engaged in the service of humanity and in promoting the welfare of the world, the thieves of passion, hatred, pride, jealousy, envy and conceit will not invade the minds of common people; the values such as Right Conduct, Mercy, Truth, Love, Knowledge and Wisdom will be safe from harm. The six internal foes can be uprooted only by the teachings of great souls, love of God, knowledge of the Lord and the company of the holy and the great.