
Sunday, May 9, 2010

With proper eating, proper thinking, proper feeling and proper spiritual understanding, we are on the right path...

With all most common food pyramids posted, we now must be aware of which category we will fit into. Most important of all is to cut down on red meats that always come in huge plates and servings. Red meats will create too much problems when taken for a long period of time. It definitely makes our blood more acidic and contaminated with toxins.

Be aware that to be healthy, we need to do some homework, some rules and regulations to follow and be well-disciplined. Feed our body the necessary 'fuel' not just any 'fuel'. We are what we eat and eating disorders will create body disorders sometimes too difficult to rid off.

The future is bright when we can control our food intake. Eat only when hungry, eat only those necessary foods, drink enough clear and clean water and go for supplements when needed. And be relaxed with enough sleep and rest. Heed nature's advice, don't go against it. The sun is enough for us, don't mistaken the moon as the sun. It never will work...