
Monday, June 28, 2010

Health knowledge refers to knowing ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..

Stressing again here the importance of learning and achieving good health in all 4 levels of health is my main objective in writing all these articles for public viewing.

We are born in this earth not to suffer nor to face tribulations and trials. We are in this earth to make aware of the reason of our existence. We are here to be part of this wonderful beautiful world. We are here to make the best out of the few decades. We seldom live to hundred over years and don't come twice in our present body!

We know not too much when below 18 or while schooling. We spend so much time pursuing our life goals, we spend too much time enjoying ourselves, drinking, smoking, eating, flirting and sleeping! Not everybody has the proper health knowledge and are never taught to be health-conscious.

But the quality of our life refers to how healthy we are in all 4 levels of health.

It all starts with the power of understanding. How much we know about our body, our mental health, our emotional condition and our spirit! The first step is learning! Proper Health knowledge is the answer to it.

How much do you know about physical health? Doctors-to-be spent at least 5 to 10 years to be learned and practiced thousands of hours to gain experiences. Thus it is too difficult for me to put in writings all I know or seen or experienced.

Just this calling deep inside me, our quality of life will definitely improve when we are more health conscious towards attaining 4 levels of health. Eating and drinking the right food, thinking and using the right words, doing and promoting the right actions, believing and achieving spiritual enlightenment will all add to our health condition.