
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

10 good reasons to eat right. 'Healthy eating' perhaps is the most frequent topic that am writing. Why? Cos am really concerned about YOUR HEALTH...

Yes, it is always healthy eating that am always emphasizing here. Why is it so?

[1] A healthy eating habit will make a person grow healthy and glow..

[2] A healthy eating habit can prevent obesity and modern illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, high uric acids, high cholesterol, high fats, cancer or heart attack.

[3] A healthy balanced diet can prevent many deficiencies such as scurvy, anemia, beri-beri, night blindness, rickets, soft teeth and bones, osteoporosis and many others

[4] A healthy balanced diet can put most diseases at bay

[5] A healthy balanced diet will make a person more confident of himself, thus smarter and more intelligent than those with frail body frame, mind or emotion...

[6] A healthy balanced diet will boost his or her immune system

[7] A healthy diet will too prevent colon disorders, digestive disorders and many more

[8] A healthy diet will be anti-aging, anti-stressing, life enhancing, life prolonging, life sustaining and best of all, less sufferings, less pains, less worries...

[9] A healthy diet will also cut down professional health care and health bills

[10] A healthy diet will not only maintain our health but only can repair our body by itself...

Here are enough reasons on why am emphasizing all about healthy eating. Prevention is so much more important than cure. If it can just start from controlling what we can eat or not eat, isn't it easy?

It is the tao of eating...

We are what we eat, we are what we think who we are, we are who we feel we are, we are who we actually are.

Let natural foods be our medicine and medicine be our natural foods. Balancing is a skill, but learning do not need too much skill. Just a click of your mouse and you will be easily reading all possible health knowledge and food or drinks that one need to prevent.

Thus one must understand the fuel we feed into our mouth are not all the time categorized delicious, but it should be nutritious and healthy. It should be of great advantage to our body not just to please our palate.

The power of choice is still yours but it is all each of our responsibilities to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Don't join the crowd to line up for professional 'cut and stitch' ' saw and repair' or be swallowing medicines and pills, our main jobs at our old age.

Seeing is believing, learning is improving. This is the winning game that all of us have to heed so as to go for a healthier and happier you, now or in the near future....