
Saturday, August 7, 2010

As the wounds of jealousy get more infected, one begins to react to its pain by depicting more aggressiveness and less compassion...

The barrier of jealousy inhibits
one to live the life of moderation.

This race of competitiveness
pushes all love behind, dismisses
all gratitude, tears up all sympathy,
secreting within an acid that burns
any response from the heart,
allowing the mind to whip
upon you its bruises of pride.

As the wounds of jealousy
get more infected, one begins
to react to its pain by depicting
more aggressiveness and less compassion.

This fire has consumed the hours of rest,
it has pinched from one his sense of satisfaction,
it has given one only the disease of restless thoughts
and has taken away the identity of humanness,
leaving one to be the animal that stands
on its two feet of desperate desire and
constant unfulfillment.

A need will only be fulfilled but
the "want" of another's "need"
will never satiate or appease the eye
that burns in worldly wakefulness.

Know that when one is thirsty,
water is his only need - any other
cold drink will only salute the fancy
of his taste buds, quenching little or no thirst.