
Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is also good that we sometimes have weaknesses and imperfections... well, who is perfect then? no one...

Look at these chairs...

The chair in good condition
looks good and strong...
But if we were to misuse it
and smash it with hammer..
The chair will soon be
out of shape and distorted..
Thus of no more use...

But if the chair is at breaking edge...
We had someone to fix it and use it properly...
The chair can be used for a long time...
Or for a longer time as predeclared..
Taking great care and patience...
Before it becomes useless...

Likewise, our body's health...
Knowing the weaknesses in our body,
Knowing our risk factors of our body..
We will be more careful as to treat it with care..
And we still can maintain our health till time ends...

But sometimes, knowing
that our body is strong and fit..
We overlooked and over-estimated..
What we thought and perceived...
Is not what we can stand up for..

Taking for granted..
We tend to overwork, over-strain,
over-stress, overeat, over-drink,
over-sexed and poisoning it sometimes...
Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, pills,
unknown medication and food..

Thus unexpectedly we might be dying
before our time comes...

Read twice... think thrice...
are you the first chair or the second?
Or that you don't even belong to any type?

Best of all, be the proper strong chair,
take proper precautions and maintenance
and live double the life span as expected...
fit in all 4 dimensions..

So, why can't we be living healthier and happier?