
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Appreciate, be kind, be understanding, be good, be grateful, be loving, be return, you will be much more healthier and happier..

There is no whose? his? hers? or mine?
There should be no differences or discriminations..
How much can we eat, drink, spend or occupy?
How long can we live to eat and eat to live?

Listen, folks..
Greed or envy are just fleeting...
Hate or revenge are just paining you...
Selfishness or unkindness are just pretending..

Nothing lives forever..
Nothing is unlimited or endless..
Tell me how much you have now...
Tell me how much you CAN have then...

Yes, you are only a dot in this cosmos..
Yes, we are just a minute organism in this earth...
Yes, we are just temporary passer-bys...
Soon to disappear in sand and gravel..

Oops.. maybe one day as crude as petroleum...
Oops, this.. one day will come when we will disappear...
Not even a bubble, not even a drop of water..
Not even anything or something or just nothing...

The later we appreciate or be grateful...
The more unhappy and unhealthier..
Meaning... the sooner we learn to appreciate..
The happier and more balanced our emotions...

What is the use of filling more
when it is already over the brim so full?
What is the use of building
castles in the air or water where we don't live?

What is the use of making it permanent
when all are so vague and temporary?
Why the lies, the tears, the worries and stress?
Let go... let go... let go.. just be yourself..

'I' is the name we call ourselves...
Thus.. we all belongs.. we all are part of a family..
Appreciate, be grateful, be kind, be loving.. just be good..