
Sunday, May 22, 2011

I always emphasize on mental health... it is the mastermind that controls our total health...thus our character or state of health is indirectly....

Yes, I always emphasize on mental health...
It is the mastermind that controls our total health.
Thus our character, our way of thinking,
our state of mind are all inter-related..

No mental health, no health...
Those who have mixed emotions
or unstable emotions have
more tendencies towards poorer health...

Those who always complain and compare,
grumble and mumble, sulk and hate,
angry and unhappy for no reasons are
all those on the lists of ailments and diseases..

Why? Because they are not at ease
with themselves, thus indirectly telling
our body cells to be not at ease with each other...
our body cells thus reacting to how it is reacted..

Our body cells are responding to what our state of mind or emotion is..

Freed off unnecessary impurities in our mind...
Freed of unnecessary condemning of our body cells...
Stop cursing our body cells.. they are alive, they listen to us..
They respond to us to all what and how we command them to be...

Don't self curse our body cells..
It will lead to no good at all..
Instead be lovingly self-affirming..
To every body cells in us...

Stay healthy.. Remain happy...
Tune our brain waves to positiveness..
Tune our heart waves to
happiness and understanding..

All these accounts our state of health and well-being...
it is truly an art towards managing our total health..
Thus it is definitely our choice.. to be or not to be
Healthy or happy.. blame no one...