
Thursday, May 5, 2011

One of the 4R.. REFUSE using abrasive, corrosive, abusive ways and products that may harm ourselves, the soil, air, water, environment....

Yeah, to have a nice day... every day...
It all starts from loving MOther Nature..
Mother Nature is most beautiful at its original state...
Fish swims, birds sing, butterflies fly, clouds dance..
To the tune of Mother Nature's breeze and embrace...

We have today because of Mother Nature...
We are still going to have because of what we have today..
Be attentive, be loving and caring to Mother Nature..
Least nature's cycle be the punishments and sufferings..
We are all inter-related directly or indirectly in many ways...

Refuse... polluting
Refuse... tearing down the earth..
Refuse... endangering fauna and flora..
Refuse... doing unkind things to Mother Earth..
Refuse... joining the routine deadly poisoning..

Only then all of us can live healthier and happier..