
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To sum up, we can keep our bones healthy and strong by not allowing our blood's PH to be too acidic.. this is the secret..

Not only it is me who emphasizes on keeping our blood's PH balanced or more alkaline.. Professionals also say so.. Look at what they say...

"Some very alkaline foods are: alfalfa grass, avocado, barley grass, cabbage, cayenne pepper, celery, fresh cucumber, dandelion, garlic, kamut grass, pure soy lecithin, lettuce, sprouted raddish, and soy sprouts.

Some of the very acidic foods are cooked beef, beer, white bread, cheese, cooked chicken, coffee, eggs, ocean fish, ketchup, liquor, pistachios, pork, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and veal.

High body acidity is a leading cause of osteoporosis. Even a slight shift in pH, still within normal range, can cause this condition to occur. For example, eating too much meat protein is a primary cause for osteoporosis.412 Calcium is excreted from the bones to buffer the high acidity. Then this precious calcium is excreted in the urine.

As calcium levels in the body fall, so do magnesium and potassium levels. Thus all the benefits of these nutrients are lost if the body is too acidic. As potassium levels fall, sodium levels increase and this can lead to fluid retention and a corresponding rise in blood pressure.

Dr. Whitaker recommends eating super green foods to shift your pH to alkaline.413 There are many other benefits from these foods, but for our purposes we are concerned with the loss of calcium and the possible rise in blood pressure. "

Thus, we all know about eating the correct foods MATTERS... Food therapy is the answer.... what to eat and what not to eat for our body health...