
Monday, June 13, 2011

Here is a birthday cake for a special friend today and flowers for his mum.. Am inspired to write something...

Many people celebrate birthdays all over the globe..
Many people spent money to make merry on their birthdays..
They eat, drink, play and make joyful decorations...
Well, it is great to be happy than not to be...

Then am inspired to write something here...
I was telling this friend of mine, whose birthday is today...
The first thing he has to do is to call his mother...
To tell her that he loves her and be thankful of her...

All gifts, all wishes, all regards...should go to our mothers...
Who decades ago, gave birth to us... a new life...
... years ago, she suffered and pained this very day..
... years ago, she gave us life and this very basic love...

Instead of just merry making...
Give our best gifts to her, our mum...
Let her be the one to taste the birthday cake first...
Let her be the one to receive all those presents....

Here are my birthday wishes...

A year older, a year wiser...
A year older, a year wealthier...
A year older, a year healthier...
Best of all, a year older, a year happier...
Happy birthday, my friend.. happy birthday...

Be blessed..