
Sunday, June 12, 2011

It comes back again, to how much we really want it, not need it.. You see the difference? need it or want it?...

When we want or need something, we will start with saying the following words, either verbally or just inside our mind...

'I want it...'
'I need it..'
'I shall get it...'
'I shall need it..'

'I really want it...'
'I really need it..'
'I will get it..'
'I will need it...'

'I really really want it..'
'I really really need it..'
'I will and must get it...'
'I will and must need it...'
'I really really really need it!'

So, to what extent are you wanting or needing it?
We see the degree of want here.. That degree of passion will set things off..

Let me explain... when we want something, we always tell ourselves.. hmm I need it, well, your wish might not come true. It is not showing any strength here. Why? Look at this statement. 'I really really need it'.. or better.. "I really really really need it!'

Which one shows strength and deeper needs? Of course the third one.. then, how does it work?

When our mind, the factory is informed of what to manufacture.. [the end product], we will look for raw materials, right?

In doing so, our subconscious and conscious mind will start working together. Where our heart is, is where we will find answers. Where our heart is, we will get what we want. We will then find time and effort to really find the ways. Then our brain will send out signals strong or feeble, depending on your urgency to search for your needs.

Soon, you will be fulfilling your needs that will come true.. well, please for a good cause..
It is just a matter of time that it comes true..

Be precise and accurate on what you need. When we ask something from our parents, our need must be clear and precise, only then he will be able to give us the required need. But if you give your parents a blur and indecisive need, they won't know what to give.

Try.... don't cry..