
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Practice the exercise of purity and cleanliness at all times, yet do not be afraid to touch the puddle of dirt..

Practice the exercise of purity and cleanliness, at all times, yet do not be afraid to touch the puddle of dirt...

Practice the exercise of purity and cleanliness,
at all times, yet do not be afraid to touch the puddle of dirt.

The river, My dears, flows along the banks
carrying with it decayed debris, mud - it climbs over rocks -
beats against the harshness of several hurdles,
yet it meets its end by merging its identity
with the mother source.

None can wash water, and it is none other
than water that can cleanse the dirt of another.
Be that water that flows with sacrifice only
to bear and endure another's impurity.

Water in itself, has no color,
yet it mingles pleasantly with simple willingness,
acquiring and accepting the tint of several shades.

Water, in itself is tasteless,
yet it accepts the essence of all flavors.
It accepts the sugar, only to become the sweet dessert -
it accepts the bitterness, only to become the curing medicine -
it accepts the salt only to become the stream of tears -
it accepts the sourness only to be the solution that
rubs off the tarnish, leaving the original brilliance.

The need of water, My dears, is inexhaustible.
The water, My child, must flow, for when it stagnates,
it will lose the nature of its purity and will remain
infested and polluted by the parasites
and intoxicants that will consume its true nature.

Flow, my dears, with that divine energy -
learn to accept the worst - know, My child,
that the stubbornness of the "worst" will bend,
humbly, before the patience of the best.

The good, O dear, can never be choosers -
choosing is only refusing another, and refusing
another will only make you strengthen his weakness
and lose your purity of goodness.

The good only stand before the bad,
only to take the bad and give back the good.
They soften the wicked by lashing the whip
on their own backs - they convince the ignorant
not by argument but by their silence of wisdom.

They lead not by threat or force,
but by their trail of peace and love.

They, My dears, have descended upon
this earth to offer to you their source
of eternal energy that will kindle the
flame of immortality in the life that
lives today in the vision of death.

from a divine source