
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Recently I met a very special doctor, He is Dr. Ding from Sibu,..He is a living proof of his life mission, to be healthy even at 80...

Most of the time, I am on the move..
That particular morning, I was moved..
To meet a very special doctor..
He is indeed a real great doctor...

I was amazed by his gentleness and patience...
He pacifies and feels for the patients...
He treats and explains.. and took his time..
Not in a hurry.. You know his heart is there..

He is gentle and peace loving..
He sure has inner wisdom and peace..
To radiate such an aura of care for all..
To radiate such an aura of love for all...

We need such great doctors..
We need such great life experiences..
No amount of money can buy them..
Deep inside me, I sure salute him..

He told me he is 78..
But he looked like 60 to us..
He has all the rights to teach us..
To lead us, to share with us his SECRETS..

Many wants to know his secrets..
But to him, it is not a SECRET...
He wants all of us to know..
This secret of being healthy even at 80..

We will look forward to learn his great tips..
We will look forward to learning more health care...
He emphasizes on the right minimal eating..
He emphasizes on daily proper exercises..

To keep fit and to prevent diseases...
Even till old age.. DARE one to live 100..
Good thoughts, good people are everywhere..
Somehow, somewhere we must take the first step..

Towards being healthier and happier goals..
Sprinkling the seeds of health everywhere...
Precious are those words of life experiences..
Precious are those doctors that gives life and hope...

Cheers to Dr. Ding.. He is indeed special..