
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Who is without life challenges? It might just be the difference in sizes or shapes or types or places..

Who is without life challenges?
Only a dead person who is lifeless...
It might just be different sizes or shapes..
Or different types or places...

But then, who is the person helping you?
Who is that one who never gives up on you?
Who is that one who gives you more grace?
Who is that one who gives you more and more?

Who is that one who is all capable?
Who is that one who is all reliable?
Who is that one who resides in your heart?
Who is that one whom you call 'I"?

Who is that?
The name we call ourselves is 'I"..
The 'I" refers to something immortal..
The 'I" refers to something infinity, not mortal...

The 'I" is that spark of divinity...
The "I" is that spark of immortality...
The "I" is timeless, unlimited, omnipotent..
The "I" is that spark of God in you..

Thus, that part of you
will never die..
Thus, that part of you
is there with you at all times..

To guide, to care, to love you,
to pass your tests..
Thus, this 'I" that we all have..
is the embodiment of love..

Who is love?
What is love?
Where is love?
Love is God, God is love...