
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here is the second one...She is my second...

Her birthday is
celebrated nationwide...
With rice dumplings,
delicious and sumptuous...

Tables full of good
foods and delicacies...
Goblets filled with
red and white wines...

Such a happy occasion..
Such a family gathering..
Her birthday not easy to forget..
A young lady, a Da Vinci gal..

Her first year in kindergarten..
Her school bag never left her back..
With frowns on her face, she just gaze..
Not easy to trust, not easy to teach...

She expected perfection..
Her hairdo, not a strand loosen..
A rare beauty, her clothes spick and span
No one can touch her clothes..

She is left handed..
She is inquisitive, imperative..
She takes after her mother..
She claims to overtake her...

Her creative beautiful art...
Got her the champion of the school..
Just breathtaking to watch her color...
Small boys and girls just too amazed...

She only want to be the top in class..
She says it is not her fault..
She reads through the night..
Till the whole book is in her mind..

Her long raven black hair..
Her cheekbones strong and clear..
She is determined and disciplined..
Her expectations of life so clear...

She loves her family so dear..
She is such a wonderful sister..
She is the one now with the needles..
She says.. well, have no fear.. it works...

She growls and fights..
To achieve and balance her rights...
Despite of all odds and rules..
Rules and laws are to be broken for the better...

One unmistakable trait...
She is a born leader..
Her duty, her love for her siblings..
She wants everyone to be experts...

Time will prove her right..
Days will add to her wisdom..
She can easily adapt to any environment...
She is there to prove her Da Vinci traits..

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