
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BREATHLESS...? Use 142.. exhale first, then breathe in and exhale.. continue breathe in and out for 15 mins..

Most tense and focused workers of today work too hard, and almost forgot to breathe.. Most of the time, they will be feeling breathless, neglecting one of the MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY everyman have to do...

Breathlessness will cause...
- dizziness
- fatigue
- easily stressed
- poor health
- no energy
- poor metabolism
and many other complications due to poor blood circulation where oxygen is concerned..

Just be breathing normal and deeply, our health will be so much improved..

[a] empty the air by exhaling first[1]
[b] breathe slowly and deeply and keep[4]
[c] exhale the used air..[2]

This is what I call 142..and continue with 42...42....42... for at least 15 minutes..
One(1) refers to 10 seconds.. so, it means to exhale, use 1[10 seconds], to breathe in use 4[10seconds], and exhale using 2[10 seconds]. and continue...

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